Remove Inquiries in 24 Hours or Less
Hard Inquiries Hurting Your Score? Remove Them in Less Than 24 Hours with this E-Book! Grab Your Copy Today. Learn the exact hard inquiry removal method we use to wipe off our clients reports with inquiries that are hurting their score.
What is a hard inquiry? When a lender or company requests to review your credit report as part of the loan application process, that request is recorded on your credit report as a hard inquiry, and it usually will impact your credit score.
How long do hard inquiries stay on your credit report? Hard inquiries can stay on your report for up to 2 years. That's a long time to have your score dropped, but luckily there's a quick way to fix this and it's in this E-Book.
How to remove hard inquiries? Normally you'd send letters to the credit bureaus and wait 30 - 45 days for a response; NOT ANYMORE! Learn how to remove these hurtful items in 24 hours or less. Get your copy NOW, and start TODAY!
You'll get our E-Book with a guaranteed method that works!